Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rough cut for class attempt 3!

Here we go! This is a rough cut of my intro! Enjoy!


Jason W said...

Cool stuff! Nice colors. I love the freak show culture, and I was a big fan of the HBO series Carnivale. Reminds me of that show. Looking foward to seeing the final doc.

Yvonne said...

Ah I agree with Jason here, I love the colors, I love the costumes. It's immediately pulled me in! Can't wait to see what the rest looks like.

Alex M. said...

I like it. The event reminds me of an old 1900's circus or something. Very intriguing, makes me want to see some freaks! (That sounds awful...) Is the guy in the interview your main subject?

Megan B said...

yes he is! that's ken.