Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jesus Camp

Ummmmmm... dear GOD.. get it?? It's like a joke? 

This documentary, directed by Heidi Ewing andRachel Grady, is one of the most provocative and, frankly, frightening films I have seen in a while. This film chronicles the children of the evangelism movement and what/how they are being taught.

75% of all home-schooled children are Christian Evangelists. They are taught strict creationism and that global warming is a hoax. Additionally, according to the film, praised George Bush for bringing credibility to the Christian faith. Apparently, Bush is the shining beacon for Christians. They urge the children to join the fight against abortion and pray that George Bush will be able to overturn Roe v. Wade.

One of the children that they followed is named Levi (how appropriate) and is probably one of the most articulate and well spoken children I have seen. He is a phenomenal public speaker and he frequently gives sermons to children and adults alike on the wickedness of the world and how they are the generation to save humanity. It will be very interesting to watch his career and see which religious movement/cult he leads. 

The children are being taught to be warriors for Jesus and become prepared to give their life to the cause. Some of the things the camp director/creator said about the way we should raise our children are unbelievable. She believes that we should focus on training our children because the "enemy" is doing the same thing. 

In one scene, one of the girls goes up to a group of elderly black men in a park and asks them if they know where they would go when the died. After one man replied, "Heaven" she quested if they were sure and when they said that they were she responded with, ".... ok" and walked off. She then said under her breath, "I thought they were Muslim!"

This is a must watch! There is SO much more I could say about this film but I don't want to bore you or ruin the film. 

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