Monday, November 10, 2008

Production Report #1

On Halloween day, I went to San Antonio to film the 999 Eyes Freak Show. It started off a little shaky as I had a major brain fart. The schedule I was given said that the show started at 21:00 and I wrote down 9:00 on my calendar, but stored 11:00 in my brain. Needless to say, when I decided to look at the venue's website and realized that the door's opened at 7... and it was currently 5:30, I freaked out. Luckily, I got there in PLENTY of time because they didn't end up going on stage until 11 anyways. 

The venue was very small and intimate and didn't lend itself well to filming. There wasn't a way for me to get above the crowd so anything that happened near the floor of the stage is hard to see on film. The show lasted 2 hours and I got a lot of great footage. They talked about the history of freak shows and helped to inform the audience what their mission is with their show. In a very cool way, they are trying to educate the public about certain "medical anomalies" by playing with the history and form of the freak show. The "freaks" have taken on that label and defined it as someone who is BORN with a medical anomaly and wishes to showcase themselves.


Ellen S said...

Wow, if these still pix you posted are any indication, you are going to have something amazing. It's a great topic and I can't wait to see what you do with it. Could be the beginning of a much longer project.

Megan B said...

Yes. I am having a lot of difficulty making a 10 minute project out of an hour long story.