Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Trinidad at aGLIFF 2008 - with PJ Raval & Jay Hodges

     So, this is a little late coming, but during the first week of class, I went to the aGLIFF (Austin Gay & Lesbian International Film Festival) screening of Trinidad - a documentary about the Sex Change Capital of the World, with the filmmakers in attendance.

     The filming and documentary style was traditional, but the narrative and the characters were not, and the story of Trinidad, Colorado was totally new to me. The film followed three transsexuals who work with people transitioning and/or are in the process of transitioning themselves. Marci Bowers is a famous GRS surgeon who has worked in Trinidad for years with transsexuals, and Laura and Sabrina are two women who are working with Marci to renovate a post-op recovery house for other trans people.

     The accounts of the three women, their families, and others in the Trinidad were at times touching, humorous, heartbreaking, and, often, frustrating and provocative. The cinematography was beautiful in Trinidad, and I was impressed by PJ's movie. He facilitated an interesting Q&A after the screening and was accompanied by the director of When the Light's Red, a short doc many of us (except for me) have apparently already seen in 318 and other classes...

Anyway, check out Trinidad if you get a chance. It's great!

Jay Hodges & PJ Raval

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